Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Toba Batak in the kingdom

Toba Batak in the Kingdom
Ahnenhaus der Batak Toba.jpg

In the Batak kingdom centered in Bakara, the Kingdom of the Batak dynastic rule Sisingamangaraja Batak kingdom divided in 4 (four) of the so called King Maropat, namely:

1. King Maropat Silindung
2. King Maropat Samosir
3. King Maropat Humbang
4. King Maropat Toba

Toba Batak area is in the King Maropat Toba. King Maropat Toba Toba area now covers up the East coast and is bordered by the Kingdom of Johor.
[edit] Toba on the Dutch colonial period

In the Dutch colonial period, the Dutch government established Tapanuli Prefecture in 1910. Residency Tapanuli divided into 4 (four) of the so called department and currently known as the district or city, namely:

1. Afdeling Padang Sidempuan, which is now a South Tapanuli, Mandailing Natal, Padang Lawas, North Padang Lawas, and Padang Sidempuan.
2. Afdeling Nias, which is now a district of Nias and South Nias district.
3. Afdeling Sibolga and Ommnenlanden, which is now the Central Tapanuli and Sibolga.
4. Afdeling Bataklanden, which is now the North Tapanuli, Humbang Hasundutan, Toba Samosir, Samosir District, Dairi, and Pakpak Bharat.

Toba Batak region to be one part of the 5 (five) Orderafdeling on Cambodgien Bataklanden, the Toba Orderafdeling its capital in Balige. Toba Orderafdeling led by a controller that van Toba.
[edit] Toba on the Japanese colonial period

During the Japanese occupation, form of government in the Residency Tapanuli hardly changed. His name just changed to cool and kejepang-jepangan.
[edit] Toba in the early days of independence of RI

After independence, the government of the Republic of Indonesia also still make Tapanuli into a residency. Dr. Ferdinand Lumban Tobing is the first resident Tapanuli.

There were few changes made to the name. But the division remains the same region. Cambodgien name was changed to Bataklanden eg Land LUHAK luhak Batak and was appointed first Sihombing Cornelius who had served as Demat Silindung. Orderafdeling name was changed to be frustrated and the village headman who led onderafdeing appointed Head of Undo. Undo Onderdistrik Small became led by the Head of Small Undo what was once a Demat Assistent.

Along with the course of history, governments in the Residency Tapanuli been divided into 4 (four) districts, namely:

1. District Silindung
2. Samosir District
3. Humbang
4. Toba

Toba Batak in Toba in the region.
[edit] Toba when the transfer of sovereignty at the beginning of 1950

When the transfer of sovereignty at the beginning of 1950, the Residency Tapanuli already incorporated in the Province of North Sumatra were divided into 4 (four) new districts, namely:

1. North Tapanuli (formerly District Batak Land)
2. Tapanuli District (formerly District Sibolga)
3. South Tapanuli (formerly Padang Sidempuan)
4. Nias District

Toba Batak also entered the territory of North Tapanuli its capital in Tarutung.
[edit] Toba in the present
Batak Gerichtsstätte bei der Tomok.jpg

In December 2008, the Residency Tapanuli united in the North Sumatra Province. Toba currently signed in Toba Samosir area its capital in Balige.

Toba Samosir regency was established under Law No. 12. Year 1998 on the establishment of Level II Regional District Toba Samosir and Mandailing Natal, the Provincial of North Sumatra Province. Toba Samosir is a division of the Regional Level II North Tapanuli.
[edit] Toba in the division of the district in HKBP

Huria Kristen Batak Protestant (HKBP) is divided into several districts headed by district pastors (praeses). The division of the district existed since 1911. At that time, Toba has become one of the districts in the united HKBP by Naidoo, the Fourth District Toba Samosir.

As the development of Toba Samosir District IV, Samosir was divided into separate districts of Toba Samosir District IV on November 25, 1945, the District VII Naidoo. Toba Samosir District IV was renamed the Fourth District Toba

In November 1954, District IV Toba again divided into two districts, the Fourth District and District Toba Toba Hasundutan XI.

Until December 2008, the recapitulation of the District IV ressort Toba, there were 28 (twenty eight) church ressort and 174 (one hundred seventy-four) HKBP church building. District IV includes Porsea Toba, Sigumpar, Laguboti, Losung Stone, Silaen, Lumban Julu, Parsoburan, Borbor, Narumonda, Hutahaean, Ajibata, Lumban Nabolon, Parhitean, Door Pohan, Sihubakhubak, and surrounding areas.

While the District XI Hasundutan Toba, until December 2008, the recapitulation of the District XI ressort Hasundutan Toba there were 8 (eight) and the church ressort 28 (twenty eight) HKBP church building. District XI includes Balige Hasundutan Toba, Tampahan, Tambunan, Huta Gaol, Hinalang Silalahi, skelter cockfighting, Bonan Dolok, and surrounding areas.
[edit] All Tapanuli no Toba

Less is known since when Silindung, Samosir, and Humbang expressed as Toba Batak. Toba Batak whereas only covers an area Balige, Porsea, Laguboti, Parsoburan, Silaen, Sigumpar, Lumban Julu, Ajibata, Uluan, Door Pohan, and surrounding areas. While not all Tapanuli Toba Batak. But between Silindung, Samosir, Humbang, and Toba has become a different area since the time of the kingdom until the division of the district Batak on HKBP.

When carefully considered portion of the book written by Hata clan and Pustaha Sihombing BATAK dohot Tarombo bangso ni Turiturian Batak by W. M. Hutagalung is clear that not all Tapanuli Toba Batak.

Through the people who are not responsible for uniting Silindung, Samosir, Humbang, and the Toba Batak Toba. And not only that, but also to annex the other tribes into the sub or the Batak tribe.

BATAK SISAHUTA (Silindung_Samosir_Humbang_Toba) has a region and examples of different clans are united in the Batak tribe.
[edit] Genera in Toba Batak

Clan or family name is the name that is a sign of the family to which it belongs.

People always have Batak clan name / family. Name / surname is derived from the lineage of the father (patrilinear) which would then be transmitted to offspring continuously.

Said to be a clan in Toba Batak ethnic clans is the Batak tribes who berkampung page (marbona Pasogit) in the Toba. Sonak Malela with 3 (three) sons and lowered 4 (four) genera, namely: Simangunsong, Marpaung, Napitupulu, and Pardede, is one of the clan at cotoh Toba Batak tribes.
[edit] Conclusion

Toba Batak is a sub or a part of the Batak tribes whose territory includes Balige, Porsea, Parsoburan, Laguboti, Ajibata, Uluan, Borbor, Lumban Julu, and surrounding areas. Silindung, Samosir, and not Humbang Toba. Since 4 (four) sub or the Batak tribe (Silindung_Samosir_Humbang_Toba) has regions and different clans examples. Sonak Malela with 3 (three) sons and lowered 4 (four) genera, namely: Simangunsong, Marpaung, Napitupulu, and Pardede, is one of the clan at cotoh Toba Batak tribes.
[edit] Notes (references and sources)

* Kaladius Sibagariang Laris, an elder and head of customs at the Hutaraja Sipoholon as oral sources.
* Ramlo R. Hutabarat, as one source in an opinion written in the Daily Sinar Indonesia Baru (SIB) edition of Friday, January 5, 2007, entitled Tapanuli, From A Period In A While
* D. J. Gultom King Marpodang, as one source written in his book Dalihan Natolu Batak Cultural Values of Regional Government Structure Harajaon Batak
* W. M. Hutagalung, as consideration in his bejudul Pustaha Tarombo dohot BATAK Turiturian ni Bangso Batak
* Almanac HKBP

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